DNA/DDP Scanning
DNA Scanning allows you to get different DNA types. When scanning, press the metal sensors against something conductive such as your fingers, and black bars will appear on the screen to indicate which pins are connected. When you have a Tamer Level of 1, you will receive between one and three of the first DNA item for each scan. Level 2 gives you between one and three of each of the first 2 DNA items, and Level 3 gives between one and three of all 3 DNA items.
DDP Scanning offers special food and weapon items in addition to DNA. Typically, only DDP chips (sold separately) may be used for DDP Scanning. However, you can maneuver a tool like a pen or pin to trigger the "Central Switch" located in the middle of the Matrix Sensor and use the codes below. Most of these codes will give you the item listed. Where "Battle" is mentioned, using the code will result in a battle with a silhouette Digimon; beat the Digimon and you will gain the item it carries.
These cards can be made at home, for easier scanning of DNA or DDP. Use the "DEC" codes listed in the table below.
For a list of item descriptions, please check the Item Page. Entering a code into a different version from the one specified will give you a different result.
The codes refer to the Pattern Bar display. 0 = OFF/No Line; 1 = ON/Line
For Example:
001100 = Sensor #3 and 4 ON.
100100 = Sensor #1 and 4 ON.
All codes have 1 for the 4th Digit. For the other digits, the Accelerator checks which of the other sensors are connected to Sensor #4.
The Central Switch is the white button in the middle of the Matrix Sensor, pressed during DDP scanning.
DNA Scanning
Central Switch = OFF
CODE | DEC | Justice Genome | Evil Genome | Nature Genome | Ultimate Genome |
000100 | n/a | Default (Unachievable) | Default (Unachievable) | Default (Unachievable) | Default (Unachievable) |
000101 | 5 | Bird, Machine, Dark | Machine, Bird, Dark | Bird, Dark, Holy | Holy |
000110 | 6 | Bird, Insect, Beast | Machine, Bird, Beast | Insect, Dragon, Dark | Machine |
000111 | 7 | Beast, Bird, Water | Water, Bird, Beast | Water, Beast, Machine | Dark |
001100 | 12 | BATTLE (Revolmon) | BATTLE (Dobermon) | BATTLE (Tyranomon) | BATTLE |
001101 | 13 | Holy, Machine, Beast | Dark, Machine, Beast | Water, Holy, Dark | Dark |
001110 | 14 | Holy, Dark, Insect | Dark, Holy, Insect | Bird, Insect, Beast | Holy |
001111 | 15 | Bird, Insect, Beast | Machine, Beast, Insect | Bird, Holy, Dragon | Holy |
010100 | 20 | Dragon, Water, Dark | Dragon, Water, Dark | Insect, Dark, Bird | Machine |
010101 | 21 | Beast, Machine, Holy | Beast, Machine, Holy | Machine, Dragon, Water | Dragon |
010110 | 22 | Insect, Machine, Water | Insect, Machine, Water | Bird, Dragon, Water | Holy |
010111 | 23 | Insect, Holy, Dragon | Insect, Holy, Dragon | Holy, Machine, Bird | Insect |
011100 | 28 | Holy, Bird, Water | Dark, Bird, Water | Bird, Water, Insect | Holy |
011101 | 29 | Dragon, Water, Dark | Dragon, Water, Dark | Holy, Dragon, Insect | Insect |
011110 | 30 | Insect, Holy, Dragon | Insect, Holy, Dragon | Holy, Dark, Dragon | Insect |
011111 | 31 | Bird, Machine, Dark | Machine, Bird, Dark | Water, Dragon, Beast | Dark |
100100 | 36 | Bird, Insect, Beast | Bird, Insect, Beast | Water, Insect, Beast | Dark |
100101 | 37 | Holy, Water, Bird | Dark, Water, Bird | Bird, Beast, Machine | Holy |
100110 | 38 | Dragon, Dark, Machine | Dragon, Dark, Machine | Water, Machine, Holy | Dark |
100111 | 39 | Dragon, Machine, Holy | Dragon, Machine, Holy | Insect, Machine, Dark | Machine |
101100 | 44 | Insect, Holy, Dragon | Insect, Holy, Dragon | Insect, Beast, Holy | Machine |
101101 | 45 | Bird, Insect, Beast | Machine, Bird, Beast | Holy, Bird, Water | Insect |
101110 | 46 | Beast, Machine, Holy | Beast, Machine, Holy | Insect, Bird, Machine | Machine |
101111 | 47 | Beast, Dragon, Water | Beast, Dragon, Water | Bird, Machine, Dragon | Holy |
110100 | 52 | Holy, Dark, Machine | Dark, Holy, Machine | Holy, Beast, Dark | Insect |
110101 | 53 | Insect, Holy, Dragon | Insect, Holy, Dragon | Machine, Dark, Water | Dragon |
110110 | 54 | Dragon, Beast, Water | Dragon, Beast, Water | Water, Bird, Beast | Dark |
110111 | 55 | Dragon, Water, Machine | Dragon, Water, Machine | Dark, Beast, Dragon | Water |
111100 | 60 | Dragon, Water, Dark | Dragon, Water, Dark | Machine, Beast, Insect | Dragon |
111101 | 61 | Insect, Water, Bird | Insect, Water, Bird | Water, Dark, Dragon | Dark |
111110 | 62 | Holy, Dark, Machine | Dark, Holy, Machine | Insect, Holy, Dark | Machine |
111111 | 63 | Beast, Dragon, Water | Dark, Beast, Water | Beast, Dragon, Machine | Beast |
DDP Scanning
Central Switch = ON
CODE | DEC | Justice/Evil Genome | Nature/Ultimate Genome |
000101 | 5 | Aegis | Omega Blade, Demon Arms |
000110 | 6 | Battle + Lightning Hammer | Thunder Javalin |
000111 | 7 | Holy DNA | Beast, Holy DNA |
001100 | 12 | Dramon Killer | Pendulum Blade, Mystic Bell |
001101 | 13 | Gram | Smiley Bomb, Royal Meister |
001110 | 14 | Battle + Dark Cannon | Berenjena |
001111 | 15 | Dark DNA | Water, Dark DNA |
010100 | 20 | Grey Sword | Omega Blade, Demon Arms |
010101 | 21 | Air Wind | Battle Axe, Pile Bunker |
010110 | 22 | Battle + Energy Lance | Fairy Tale |
010111 | 23 | Machine/Mutant DNA | Bird, Machine/Mutant DNA |
011100 | 28 | Kaiser Knuckle | Smiley Bomb, Royal Meister |
011101 | 29 | Lightning Blade | Megido Flame, Holy Arrow |
011110 | 30 | Dragon DNA | Dragon, Insect/Plants DNA |
011111 | 31 | STR-MAX | STR-MAX, Level Reverse |
100100 | 36 | Thor Hammer | Battle Axe, Pile Bunker |
100101 | 37 | Ice Blow | Hunting Cannon, Cocytus Breath |
100110 | 38 | Beast DNA | Beast, Holy DNA |
100111 | 39 | DP-MAX | DP-MAX, Protein + |
101100 | 44 | Burning Fist | Megido Flame, Holy Arrow |
101101 | 45 | Battle + Burning Knuckle | Psycho Blaster |
101110 | 46 | Water DNA | Water, Dark DNA |
101111 | 47 | Level Reverse | STR-MAX, Level Reverse |
110100 | 52 | Mugen Cannon | Hunting Cannon, Cocytus Breath |
110101 | 53 | Battle + Ice Claw | Neko Punch |
110110 | 54 | Bird DNA | Bird, Machine/Mutant DNA |
110111 | 55 | One of Every DNA | One of Every DNA |
111100 | 60 | Rappa Mike | Pendulum Blade, Mystic Bell |
111101 | 61 | Battle + Wind Sword | Fenrir Sword |
111110 | 62 | Insect/Plants DNA | Dragon, Insect/Plants DNA |
111111 | 63 | One of Every DNA | One of Every DNA |