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Version 1.0/1.5 Version 2.0 Version 3.0

Pendulum X 1.0/1.5

RESTThe enemy...The item they'll drop...And if Defeated by a Tera-hit...Item Summary
100-88DorimonNothingNothingMeat - M,
Meat - L
Agumon XMeat - MMeat - L
87-76Dorumon Meat - M Meat - L Meat - M,
Meat - L,
Protein +
Agumon XMeat - MMeat - L
Kuwagamon XMeat - LProtein +
75-64Greymon XProtein +STR-MAXMeat - L,
Protein +
DorugamonProtein +STR-MAX
Seadramon X Meat - L Protein +
Kuwagamon X Meat - L Protein +
63-52DorugamonProtein +STR-MAXProtein +
Metal Rise
RaptordramonSTR-MAXMetal Rise
Okuwamon XSTR-MAXMetal Rise
51-40Okuwamon XMetal RiseAqua OrbMetal Rise,
Aqua Orb,
Sky Wing,
MegaSeadramon XSTR-MAX or Metal RiseSky Wing
39-28MetalGreymon XAqua OrbSky WingAqua Orb,
Sky Wing,
Zombie Meat,
Forest Leaf
DorugremonAqua OrbForest Leaf
GrademonZombie MeatZombie Meat
27-16GrademonZombie MeatZombie MeatZombie Meat,
Sky Wing,
Metal Rise,
GigaSeadramonSky WingD-Poison
WarGreymon XMetal RiseD-Poison
15-4DorugoramonCHO-EnergyCHO-EnergyAqua Orb,
Metal Rise,
GrandisKuwagamonAqua OrbCHO-Energy
WarGreymon XMetal RiseD-Poison
3-0 AlphamonCHO-EnergyCHO-EnergyCHO-Energy
Master Tag
Omegamon XCHO-EnergyMaster Tag


If you get to the BOSS STAGE with an Ultimate Digimon "Omegamon X" will appear. If it is a Perfect Digimon or below, "Alphamon" will appear.

When Dealing with the Pendulum X 1.5 in Quest Mode, simply use the above Map but make the substitutions below.
- DEATH-X-Dorugamon (Raptordramon) will drop STR-MAX/STR-MAX (Tera Hit) on 63-52 otherwise normal items.
- DEATH-X-Dorugremon (Grademon) will drop Zombie Meat/Zombie Meat (Tera Hit) on 39-28 otherwise normal items.
- DEATH-X-Dorugoramon (Alphamon) will drop Level Reverse /Zombie Meat (Tera Hit) always.
- GAIOUMON (WarGreymon X) will drop normal items.

The Forest Leaf does not appear in the Pendulum X 1.5. The Level Reverse can be gathered between 38-16 at 38-28 where Forest Leaf would be and at 27-16 where Zombie Meat is placed.

On the 1.5 you do not have to fight the Area Boss. By cancelling the battles and landing on "item" slots you can gain items without battling.

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